
Says here in Globis Trial Class webinar last January 31, 2018 7:30PM Philippines time.
About the innovation of Peach Aviation we have a framework for different category.

  • One type of Aircraft
    • Lowering the cost of training cost for operations such as maintenance (spare parts, knowledge in repair), cabin attendant, pilot and co pilot.
    • Innovation is easy to implement with one type of Aircraft. 
  • Recruitment
    • Hire only professionals (ethic, hospitality, ....)
Marketing & Sales
  • Underutilized airport used as base. (Their Headquarter is located in Kansai Airport, an underutilized airport wherein airport fee is low. They also have an ideal time to fly-out and fly-in.)
  • Direct online sales (tickets purchased directly through ONLY PEACH Aviation Online System
  • Planes leave on time (no waiting for customers)
  • Automatic Check-In Machine (on Airport)
    • Easy to check-in (5 seconds)
    • Big screen
    • Case is actually made of cardboard! (easy to move, easy disassemble, space wise, can put adds, easily change designs)
  • Short-distance routes
Customer Service
  • Entertainment system on phone downloadable movies, music, ....
  • Leather covered seats (comfy, easy to clean upon landing)
Over all? Passenger cost per kilometer traveled
  • Japan Airlines 16.9 yen
  • Peach                7.8 yen (less than half)
Q: Which are more important with all frameworks?
A: All.

Q: Can Peach win with this framework is it enough?
A: No!

Q: What is primarily important then?
A: A foundation that is CONSISTENT implementation and execution. (You can follow a checklist. If no, make one implement it.)

Q: When?
A: All the time.

Q: Where?
A: Anywhere.

Q: Who create consistency between activities?
A: Leaders

All are very much important in this framework. CONSISTENCY of execution is a must therefore we need leaders. Where correct JUDGEMENT base on interpretation of data or record. CREATIVITY and INNOVATION are put into action, and PRACTICE execution. 
Value chain frameworks helps improve business skills
Do you know the story of a rabbit and a turtle race in land?
Who do you think win?
The rabbit?
It's the turtle.
One day a rabbit meet a turtle. He challenge the turtle in a race. He thinks and believe logically, realistically that he is faster than the turtle in land which is absolutely true. (On the other hand if its in water the rabbit may die of drowning but this is not that story) ......................................................................................The turtle agreed. They started the race.
⛳................🐇.................................................🐢......... When the rabbit is almost in the finish line, he stop and rest in the 
                   🌳 tree, he thinks with the speed of turtle he have a plenty of time to spare, wherein he is also tired and feel a sleep. The night came 🌙 and he wakes up. Watching the turtle on the path he left but he wasn't there. He glace on and see
🐢............🐇..............................................................on the finish line the turtle was there and smiling.

Base on data, records interpretation

Make it simple that everyone can easily understand and use it. If you want to target big market or a lot of people., that's just WHAT DO THEY NEED?


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