All about me
I believe in all the things I wrote in this blogs. In a phrase say "Do the right thing and do it know".
I've worked with my parents as a vendor selling dry goods ever since I can remember.
At a young age, I travel with my parent, cousin, and driver when we have a jeep (Philippines). Every time I am not in school (Holidays and weekends) traveling in 2 towns and 1 city.
But before that, they started to have a sidecar (see Fig. 1) as an asset and transportation selling socks and cap in our town and in the city every market days and Sundays.
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Fig. 1 Similar to ours but the blue one. credit to pictures online |
My mother uses to crochet cap and socks for infants as well as refrigerator handle. The yarn she makes as a fabric originally comes from fabricated rejected socks. Which is "matrabaho" (have so many processes), But the outcome fabric is absolutely awesome and I am really proud and amaze of.
My father, on the other hand, is a very religious person a Roman Catholic. He uses to tell me about his grandfather requested for solicitation those days simply to pay for a craftsman in making a statue of Jesus, Mary, Angle Gabriel.... to give in some barangays, in ours and my father's siblings.
I believe in a bible as a teaching as a guide to do what is the right thing to do and to don't do what is not right. To make it simple "Do things to him what you want to do to you" without asking in return the good karma is in its way. Respect them, teach them, give them a hand (help and support), and all the good things. Saints are created as a rule model, "ihemplo", what nowadays known as a "HERO" we look up too. Wherein we have to absorb what they did great and good for all.
My weakness is my emotion in caring for others.
I left my first company and didn't apply for regularization because I was worried about some of my fellow members in an agency whose job is on chemical without safety mask. Majority almost all the company suffer from this in my belief. I applied once or twice on Occupational Safety and Health Center but I am not that fortunate. Because I would like to make a change the system to create a program of no notice visit on all company is they follow rules and to give the warning to follow it.
I didn't do a thing about what I've seen because I wasn't vigilant the thing that UP students has in them. My mother always tells me "Paulit-ulit mo munang isipin kung ano ang sasabihin mo bago ibuka a bibig" [Think first before you speak], "Kung walang maibibigkas ng maganda and bibig mo wag ka na lang magsalita" [Your nothing good to say it is better to make silent] teaches and follow which I have just understood later on, in "Behavioral Approach"
2nd company is different. This is the best company so far. Too great in health, insurance, dental, bonus, increase, and colleagues. I work with them for 3 years had an opportunity to visit Japan. Most importantly I have work with Japanese employee, very kind, generous, humble, approachable and fun to be with. Me, I was the loner.
Not good in mingling with people because of big responsibility as an eldest. Because I haven't been able to read that book. Because what I believe knowing that technical aspect first is the most important than focusing on improving my Japanese speaking.
As long as I can execute the job and have a high customer feedback that may suffice (sufficient or enough). The same thing goes in studying English at first but know I am a bit good at some point. But this is not the reason why I resign from this great company. see "Tell the truth" I don't know we you will believe me or it is just what is built into my mind.
I feel sick when a person tells me to do the wrong things. Say changing the KPI result so that he will not be scolded at the monthly meeting. in "Behavioral Approach" I've passed my resignation in 2 months advance saying this and that my work performance was disregarded.
Because I wanted to have a higher position which I believe I can be of use on my potential and contribute more, know more, and understand widely.
At some point, my manager has his mindset "blood is always thicker than water" Age and Alma mater. see "expense policy in 5 words" I've been working with my mother, she doesn't put me on the thing that I can't do unless I can prove it I can, in my performance on her. Majority my colleagues have seen him perform and all of them are much better on him. As well as the 2 pro-visionary I had trained.
I am not saying I am the smartest. Because I have so much to learn. I always make mistakes. And a forgetful one also. But when I make mistake as soon as I figure it out. I raise it and admit it is my fault. "thinking critically", logically and realistically in a project situation. After we make our client request we check it first and revise, check it second and revise,.....
But at some point the checker other than yourself. Don't know the other consideration taken on that certain job. Because the checker focuses to check only the general or standard rules that apply.
You know you made a mistake. because of laziness and other agenda you disregarded your job obligation.
In a short-term, you finish the deadline on time. But in a long run, it may cause a lot of time, manpower, and money.
Here is what my opinion of in my previous company system. Our KPI is base on engineering man-hour. This may work in Japanese but not in Filipino with this case:
Our limitation is our client job order.
- The best way to determine KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is in Customer Feedback form on how well we deliver clients needs and what are the key points to improve or change.
- Within this, we can base the promotion who is really performing well (There is a factor that he acknowledges my members for further improvement.
In my previous job, here I have written my managing director an immediate resignation. For which I was hired as a Cost and Estimate. He wanted me to sign a form checklist on one of there installation which requires a Field Engineer. I've refused to sign the paper because;
- It is not ethical signing a paper I didn't execute.
- If anything happened to the installation is my fault because I was the one who signs it. (after sale)
- Worst come to worst I may lose my license (which will not even happen because I may only lose the license if I have another woman if I am married.) Still the no. 1 reason.
My managing director told me that the company will not get paid if I will not sign it. We will not be receiving our 13th-month pay.
I don't mind if I will not because I live in my ethics and discipline. If I sign it in and I will get in trouble. The company can replace me with a click but my years I put into achieving my career may perish with just that mistake. Besides I am the eldest child and my parents are seniors. Major mistakes are restricted.
In a short-term: We can have a small salary.
In a long-term: I may lose credibility, honesty, ethics, respect and more. I will have no face.
I am positively looking forward on my company to find me and find it.
With no other investment but my hard work, dedication, ethics, integrity, and principle in life.
Mission: To be known by all on discipline in design, management, and data analyst. Be the wealthiest in money and friends. Create and guide scholars with the same vision for a wide understanding of past to now and future.
Vision: Continuous Innovation, creativity and understanding philosophy of life.
My dream is to have my own country wherein it does not influence my government and business owner. In which all Inventor, Engineers, Scientist, Doctors, and aspirants without limitation can create a perfect and ideal system, prototypes, discover cures, .... see "Principle of Life" Have an opportunity to make new friends and share our ideas, live a life that even sky is not the limit. Imagination, creativity, innovation it all about what choice we make and what the status are in of achieving it.
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