Engineering Ethic and Science and Technology Ethic
Tokyo Institute of Technology course Ethics originally mean living well, and thinking about well-being to act actually. not only for yourself, but also someone bigger than you, such as organizations and society. -Mr. Kano 志向倫理 予防倫理 In English: Extroversion according to Carl Jung means enjoying the company of others and energized by interactions with other people. Introversion means shy person. Withering means intended to humiliate someone. Stakeholder means a person with an interest or concern in something, especially a business. With this ethics, it is simply implying "We will never wrong if we do the right thing" Grand Challenges for engineers as oriented ethics "Grand Challenges for Engineering is a project run by the Academy where they seek to clarify what exactly the most serious and important tasks that engineers have to solve are." Fudano's Principle for Ethical Issues TIMEFRAME SPACE RELATION...